With the valuable assistance of skilled team of professionals, we are engaged in offering an extensive range of high-quality Tabletop Pulse Oximeter.
CMS70A Desktop Pulse Oximeter is a device for measuring pulse rate; SpO2 and perfusion index(PI), and be applicable for use in Care places, oxygen bar, medical institution. This product works with AC (with internal power); It can measure and display the pulse rate, SpO2 and perfusion index(PI); Support the functions of multiuser storage and review; It can upload the storage data to PC for display and analy - sis; With alarm and real - time clock function.
Principle of the CMS70A Table top Pulse Oximeter is as follows: Photoelectrk Oxyhemoglobinlnspe<tionTechnologyisadoptedi n accordancew ithCapacity Pulse Scanning & Recording Technology, the Pulse Oximeter can be used in measuringthepulseoxygensaturationandpu lseratethmugh nger.Theproduct issuitableforbeingusedinlamily,hospital , oxygenbar, commuoityhealthcare,
physicalc<1reinsporh(ltc<1n beused beforeoraf terdoingsports.and it isnot
recommended tousethedeviceduring theprocessof havingsport)andetc .
Major Features
1.0peration of the product is simple ,low power consumption
3.Pulserateva luedisplay,bar graphdisplay 4.Pldisplay
6.Menuoperation 7.S<:reenbrightnesscanbechanged 8.Thedisp laymodecanbechanged
9.Pulseratesoundindication,itcanbetumedonor tumedofl 10.Withmeasuredda taoverrunslimitsandlow-voltagealarm
function,theupper/downala rm rangecanbeadjustab le 11.Batterycapadtyindication
12.Low-voltageindication:low - voltageindicatorapP'arsbefore working abnormally which is due to low-voltage, and with alarm function
14.Datastorage function.andt hestoragedatacanbeuploadedto computer
Main performance
DisplayMode:TFTScreenandLEDdisplay ScreenReso lution:320'240
Sp02 Measuring Range: 0%-100%(the resolution is 1%) Accuracy : 70%- 100%: ±2%, Selow 70% unspecified.
PR MeasuringRange: 30bpm-250bpm(theresolutionis lbpm) Accuracy:±2bpmor ±2%(select larger)
Measurement Performance in Weak Filling Condition:Sp02 and pulseratecanbeshowncorre<:tlywhenpulse -f illingratiois 0.4%. Sp02 error is ±4%, pulse rate error is ±2 bpm or ±2% (select larger)
Resistancetosurroundinglight: Thedeviationbetweenthe value measured in the condition of man-made light or indoor natural lightandthatof darkroomislessthan±1%.
Power Consumption: About 350mA Voltage:AC100-240V,50/60HZ
PowerSupply:Built-inre<:hargel i-Polymer
Sattery workinghour:after thedevicebuilt-inbattery finished thecharge,it'scont inuousworkingtimeisnotlesstha n 1 hour SafetyType:ldevice,BFTyP<!